Hotel Rose Garden, Rome

Hotel Rose Garden, Rome, Italy
Client: Bellini Associates
Exhibition Designer: Arch. Lorenzo Bellini
Lighting Designer: Arch. Massimo Iarussi

For the lighting of the Rose Garden Palace Hotel in Rome, the role of the lighting designer was to work alongside the interior designer, trying to interpret his thinking and provide him with the technically appropriate solutions to achieve the desired results.
He made extensive use of recessed projectors that, on the one hand, allowed perfect camouflage in the architecture and, on the other, had a wide range of optics and lamps. QR-111 built-in reflector lamps were used for the more theatrical effects, where maximum cleanliness and beam control was required.
For grazing lighting from below the walls, behind the columns and behind the reception desk, T2 miniature fluorescent lamp luminaires were used.
The lighting effect underneath the bar and reception desks was achieved with light profiles for Xenon lamps connected in parallel.