Scrovegni Chapel, Padua
Competition for the lighting of the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, Italy
Client: Comune di Padova
Commissione Scientifica: Prof. Lorenzo Fellin, Prof. Paolo Soardo
Contractor: Targetti Sankey SpA
Lighting Designer: Arch. Massimo Iarussi
Optical Engineer: Ing. Andrea Donnini (Targetti)
The project ranked first
The Chapel dedicated to “Santa Maria della Carità” (St. Mary of the Charity) in Padua, frescoed between 1303 and 1305 by Giotto on behalf of Enrico degli Scrovegni, is one of the greatest masterpieces of Western art. The narrative covers the walls entirely with the stories of the Virgin and Christ, while painted on the counter-façade you find the grandiose Last Judgement.
In 2001, the Municipality of Padua, owner of the Chapel, held a competition for the illumination of the Chapel.
Our proposal, drafted on behalf of Targetti Sankey, one of the companies invited to the competition, included the design of luminaires with special optics, to ensure the best uniformity in the lighting of the frescoed walls.
The project ranked first in the jury’s examination, “both on the basis of the lighting tests carried out and on the aesthetic and environmental quality of the prototypes”. However, the project was not carried out.